Remember to scroll down to read "Older Posts" first....
After losing Scott, Jonathan and I stayed in Pennsylvania with Scott's parents for about a month (over the Christmas season) and when the new year came, my sister, Ruth Ann drove down to Florida with us so we wouldn't have to enter the house alone. My good neighbors and friends had cleaned inside and out of the house and planted flowers and just made it look fresh and clean! What a blessing, that made me cry for sure. God brought so many people in to my life to help support and carry us through this difficult time. Folks from my church had helped send my newsletters (we didn't have the communication through computers then) out and helped with fundraisers to cover our loss of income and expenses still needing to be paid during the transplant time.
Jonathan and I decided to get baptized together when it was offered at our church. That was such a special time for us. We continued to grow and be blessed by our faith and we even went on a mission trip to Tennessee together with the teens (my first, last and only!! LOL) As time passed, the human side of my heart was feeling empty, so I thought it was time to get out in the dating world again. Not something I was looking forward to. I so wanted to share my life with someone again, I really enjoyed being married and had such a good marriage that I was looking forward to see who God had in store for me! I went on a few dates, some better than others, some disastrous, but a learning experience nonetheless.
I went on a web based dating service and met this guy with the moniker "Childguide". Now, I have to tell you I am not a "kid person" so why this name would catch my eye is beyond me (I now know whose idea it was). We talked for quite some time before we even shared pictures and he found a special place in my heart. The problem was he lived in Missouri and I'm in Florida! Again, God to the rescue! Southwest Airlines at the time had some great rates; he flew several times down here for $49 round trip!!! This is my now husband, Eddie! We both knew God put us together and we couldn't be happier. This past February 16th, we celebrated out 10th wedding anniversary! He is my best friend, confidant (when I remember to tell him everything, that is!) and truly my leaning post for what I am going through with CIDP. I was going to say he is my rock, but I must reserve that phrase for my LORD!
Next blog will start more of my CIDP and SCT story...
My dearest Wendy! As the time for you to go north for your treatment I will have to admit I am getting more sad and somber. I know this is what is needed but I am feeling lonely and sad at the thought of my dream lady and yes best friend and confidant is going away. I know you are going to be in the best of hands and people who are the best in their field. I still feel like my "JOY" is going away. I love you baby ! @}--->----